System Requirements:
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win7
Digital organizer encrypts and stores all:
- Internet URLs, logons, passwords, email addresses
- Credit Card information
- Bank Account information
- All this data is stored inside the USB Key (CryptoKey™)
- eliminates need to keep re-entering personal information
- cut and paste commands instead of retyping passwords & logons
- can take the key with you - mobility and security
- backups can be made and keys can be replaced in case of loss
- reduces the chances of identity theft
- password protected
How it works:
Encrypts all passwords, logons, credit card numbers
and other sensitive data, and stores them on the CryptoKey™.
Access to the key is done through a small application that must be
downloaded on the users' PC. The key goes with the user on the
keychain. Anytime access is required to certain websites or systems
the key is inserted in the USB port and the PSA software is
launched from the user's PC. Quick copy and paste commands
transfer sensitive information from the PSA to the web page.
Backups of the sensitive data can be made and stored in a safe
place in case the key is lost.